“Pope Benedict calls for Palestinian ‘homeland’.” (CBC News)
I was fascinated to see on the CBC news that the Pope is being welcomed to Jerusalem with the fluttering of Vatican flags all over the city. The reporter pointed out that this Pope was part of the Nazi Youth, lifted the excommunication of a Holocaust Denier, is in the process of beatifying the man who was Pope during the 2nd World War and that he’s now calling for the creation of a Palestinian State.
It’s not often that these two aspects of a traditional Premillennial (Christ-returns-before-the-thousand-years) Historicist interpretation of prophecy converge in the news like this: the conviction that the Popes of Rome are the Antichrist (“little horn” of Daniel 7:20-21; “man of lawlessness” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-9, etc.) and the conviction that “Israel” in Old Testament prophecy generally means the Hebrew nation.
There’s no question in my mind, according to Scripture, that the Pope is an enemy of the true Church. But here’s the question news items like the one above bring to my attention: “Is Pope Benedict XVI a friend or an enemy of the Jewish people?”
Outstanding catch. How about the Pope doffing his red shoes to enter the Dome of the Rock? Talk about a prophetic intersection, the Roman prince of princes discussing the ‘universal’ acknowledgement of the ‘one God’ at the site of the abomination of desolation. Although the six people who read this blog are probably the only ones who noticed. Peace out dog.
In reality, since the Pope & Papacy do not preach the true gospel, they are a true friend to nobody!
In reality, since the Pope & Papacy do not preach the true gospel, they are a true friend to nobody!