In his 1878 book, The Approaching End of the Age, Henry Grattan Guinness included a chart called, “The Immanuel Year”. He described it as, “The great year whose day is the soli-lunar cycle of 33 years, 7 months, Immanuel’s earthly life time, whose months are millenaries, in the course of seven of which answering to the seven natural months of the feasts of the Lord, which typified the history of redemption, the type is fulfilled on the scale of a soli-lunar year to a day.”
I’ve had an old FLASH version of this chart available to view on for many years. But today I added (finally) a high resolution photograph of the chart so that you can zoom in, pan, and download it. Simply go to the page of prophecy charts on our main site, and scroll down to “The Immanuel Year”. Enjoy!