“We believe fundamentally that Israel has a right to exist and just as importantly we recognize the conflict around Israel is at its heart and at its core about the refusal of still too many to accept the reality of a Jewish state in the Middle East, but Israel is here to stay.”
~ Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, March 10, 2011. http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/03/10/canada-%E2%80%98will-always-stand-by%E2%80%99-israel-harper-says/
Prime Minister Harper hits the nail on the head in the above statement. What is the root cause of most of the conflict in the Middle East involving Israel? What is at the heart of the Israeli/Palestinian controversy? As Harper correctly diagnoses it, “the refusal of still too many to accept the reality of a Jewish state in the Middle East…”. Which is to say, the conflict will not be pacified, the controversy will not be appeased, settled or resolved, until either Israel’s enemies succeed in wiping the Jewish state off the face of the Earth, or until those who seek Israel’s destruction are exposed, seen for the hate-mongers they are, marginalized and rendered impotent by the International community.