- Image via Wikipedia
An article on WND.com Saturday, June 27 2009, suggests that Russia’s impending military excercises in the Caucases could be a staging ground for an invasion, and take-over, of Georgia:
Moscow has drawn a new “red line” in its confrontation with the regime of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili by calling for its end, just as Russia is preparing for its annual military exercise – which last year was used to invade Georgia, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
In a previous blog post, I drew attention to the fact that Moscow is “on-record” with ambitions to acquire control of energy resources in the Middle East. It would not be surprising if control of Georgia, and its strategic location in terms of oil extraction and delivery, is a first-step toward a plan for Russian regional dominance. From a biblical prophecy point of view, Gog (Ezekiel 38) would have to go through Georgia to get to Israel.
The Georgian Times reports concern among parliamentary leaders over Moscow’s intentions:
Georgian lawmakers say the Kremlin is following its plan and [trying] to involve Georgia in a new conflict. The MPs also do not rule out the possibility of a new aggression from Russia against Georgia.
This news comes nearly a year after a five-day war broke out last August between Russia and Georgia, in which Moscow siezed control of the Georgian province of South Ossetia.