A couple of days ago, on my way back home from the city, I enjoyed listening to a recording of a White Horse Inn broadcast in which Mike Horton and the others discussed “The Rapture”.
During the discussion, Kim Riddlebarger touted his book, A Case for Amillennialism, and rehashed some of the salient points from the book. Most of what I heard, though, was by way of refuting Dispensationalism / Pre-trib Premillennialism. Most of what I heard didn’t even deal with a standard sort of “historic Premillennialism”, much less the brand of Premillennial Historicism presented on Historicism.com. So I had to wonder what Dr. Riddlebarger might have to say that would actually make a good case for Amillennialism, once he was done bashing Dispensationalism (an easy sport!)?
So I just ordered myself a copy from Amazon.

I’m looking forward to reading it. And I’ll be sure to post a review here on this blog when I’m done. What I’m going to be watching for, as I read it, is this: On the WHI broadcast, Riddlebarger accused Dispensationalists of ignoring the plain and obvious meaning of many Bible passages in order to come up with a complicated rapture-then-seven-year-tribulation-followed-by-the-second-coming-and-destruction-of-Antichrist-and-beginning-of-Millennium. What I want to see is whether he violates his own advice in order to ignore John’s account of “The Thousand Years” in Revelation 20? Stay tuned.