At our church we are now several sermons into our latest series in the Book of Revelation. This mini-series deals with Revelation 10-14, under the title, “The War Against the Saints.” New sermons will be added as we continue, but the first nine are available now through our sermon page at Updated March 17,…
Tag: Revelation

Interpreting Revelation Literally
A questioner recently asked how historicists respond to people who claim we aren’t interpreting the book of Revelation (or the Bible) literally. I think this question comes up mainly from those who have been influenced by a dispensational understanding of Bible prophecy (e.g. John MacArthur, Jack VanImpe, John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, John Walvoord, John Darby,…

New timecharts added!
The page of time charts on has been a disaster for about a decade. I’ve finally fixed it. And I’ve added new charts on the book of Daniel, the overview of the prophecies in the book, and the prophecies of chapter 12. You can see the updated time charts page here. You can also…

“Is the destruction of Babylon the Great past or present?”
I was asked to weigh in on this question recently. Here’s my answer: it depends on what you mean by Babylon the Great, and of course, what you mean by “destruction”. By “Babylon the Great” I don’t mean the ancient empire of Babylon under any of its ancient dynasties. I mean the symbolic Babylon the…

What the Dutch & English have in common
I recently received emails from two individuals both wanting some explanation on related verses in Revelation. One was about the “mystery of God” and the “little scroll” and the other was about the destruction of the tenth of the “city” and the “seven thousands of people”. The “little scroll” of Revelation 10:11 has long fascinated…

Irish Government Punishing Catholic Orders for Lying about Abuse & Wealth
Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife Associated Press ran this story yesterday: “Catholic orders plead poverty in Irish abuse“… DUBLIN – The Catholic orders responsible for abusing Ireland’s poorest children say they’re struggling to come up with money to help their victims. Yet investigations into their net worth paint a very different picture — that…

A case for Amillennialism?
A couple of days ago, on my way back home from the city, I enjoyed listening to a recording of a White Horse Inn broadcast in which Mike Horton and the others discussed “The Rapture”. During the discussion, Kim Riddlebarger touted his book, A Case for Amillennialism, and rehashed some of the salient points from…

Cashless Society in Prophecy? Where Mr. Lindsey?
“…In a civil sense, …to trade, and exercise merchandise,… was forbidden by several Popish councils and synods; the Lateran council, under Pope Alexander, decreed… that no one should presume to retain or encourage… or “trade” with [heretics]…” (John Gill’s “Expositor”)