When the President of the United States bravely stands up and pushes for military intervention to protect the people of Libya from a murderous dictator, but then tries to shirk his responsibility to live with the consequences of leadership by withdrawing his service it is nothing less than cowardice on a global stage. President Obama’s…
Tag: Islam

Strategist Warns of Nationalistic Arab Rage Turning Against Israel
One strategist argued in a FoxNews piece, Wednesday, that in the wake of “eMageddon” uprisings threatening to engulf the Arab world, desperate rulers may seek their own survival by refocusing the rage of their citizenry against a common, much hated enemy: Israel. This does seem likely. After all, as the old adage goes, “the enemy…

A wave of political uprising, unprecedented in the lifetimes of most people alive today, is sweeping across the Middle East. So far, although there seems to be no direct link between events in different nations, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and Zimbabwe have so far been affected. Potentially, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Libya, to name a…

Obama Vs. Osama
The story broke today of packages containing “explosive material” intercepted on route from suspected Al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen to Jewish “places of worship” in Chicago. This sparked a renewed vigilance in anti-terrorist security at airports and sensitive locations around the world. Here’s Obama updating the American people on his response so far: (the video will…

The Islamic Antichrist?
In a World Net Daily article titled, “‘Evangelical’ Christians now thanking Allah” the author of The Islamic Antichrist, Joel Richardson, criticizes Emergent Church pastor, Brian MacLaren for encouraging believers to celebrate the Islamic holiday Ramadan. It amazes me that any Christian, especially a pastor like Brian MacLaren who should know better, would join with Muslims…

AOL News Poll: Quarter-Million Voters Doubt Obama's Birth
An article posted on AOL News introduced readers to what it calls “fringe” element of conservatives, called “Birthers”, who persist in doubting whether Obama was actually born in the USA as he claims. According to the writer this rumour continues to live on in spite of “overwhelming evidence”. I wonder, however, if AOL News expected…