In 1878, H. Grattan Guinness published his first major work on Bible prophecy, The Approaching End of the Age. In it he defended a premillennial historicist interpretation of Daniel and Revelation, correlating prophetic chronology with discoveries from astronomy, especially regarding harmonizations in the soli-lunar cycles. A digital version of his book has been available for…
Tag: Historicism

The Immanuel Year
In his 1878 book, The Approaching End of the Age, Henry Grattan Guinness included a chart called, “The Immanuel Year”. He described it as, “The great year whose day is the soli-lunar cycle of 33 years, 7 months, Immanuel’s earthly life time, whose months are millenaries, in the course of seven of which answering to…

New “Sermons” section added to
Now that I have finished the sermon series on Daniel that I’ve been preaching through the first half of 2017, I have added a section to to link to the sermons directly. As I preach on other passages that relate to prophecy, I’ll add them to the sermons page. The files are still hosted…

New timecharts added!
The page of time charts on has been a disaster for about a decade. I’ve finally fixed it. And I’ve added new charts on the book of Daniel, the overview of the prophecies in the book, and the prophecies of chapter 12. You can see the updated time charts page here. You can also…

by Noel J Haynes To all my Grandkids. As you all, know, I have been watching recent unfolding world events through the lens of Biblical prophecy, and I am amazed and deeply humbled at the privilege I have to be observing first hand what may be the culminating events of history before the establishment…

What is Historicism?
On our little Historicists FaceBook group, people occasionally post things that aren’t really in line with traditional Historicist teaching. So I wrote this little article (mostly just by copying and pasting) in order to protect the focus and purpose of the group. In case you’re interested in joining the group, you can find it here:…