I recently received emails from two individuals both wanting some explanation on related verses in Revelation. One was about the “mystery of God” and the “little scroll” and the other was about the destruction of the tenth of the “city” and the “seven thousands of people”. The “little scroll” of Revelation 10:11 has long fascinated…
Tag: Antichrist
The Islamic Antichrist?
In a World Net Daily article titled, “‘Evangelical’ Christians now thanking Allah” the author of The Islamic Antichrist, Joel Richardson, criticizes Emergent Church pastor, Brian MacLaren for encouraging believers to celebrate the Islamic holiday Ramadan. It amazes me that any Christian, especially a pastor like Brian MacLaren who should know better, would join with Muslims…
Flags of the Vatican
CBC News Video “Pope Benedict calls for Palestinian ‘homeland’.” (CBC News) I was fascinated to see on the CBC news that the Pope is being welcomed to Jerusalem with the fluttering of Vatican flags all over the city. The reporter pointed out that this Pope was part of the Nazi Youth, lifted the excommunication of…
Cashless Society in Prophecy? Where Mr. Lindsey?
“…In a civil sense, …to trade, and exercise merchandise,… was forbidden by several Popish councils and synods; the Lateran council, under Pope Alexander, decreed… that no one should presume to retain or encourage… or “trade” with [heretics]…” (John Gill’s “Expositor”)