A questioner recently asked how historicists respond to people who claim we aren’t interpreting the book of Revelation (or the Bible) literally. I think this question comes up mainly from those who have been influenced by a dispensational understanding of Bible prophecy (e.g. John MacArthur, Jack VanImpe, John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, John Walvoord, John Darby,…
Tag: amillennialism

Why am I pre-mil rather than a-mil?
It seemed like a good idea to post this question that came to me by email along with my answer. Here’s the question followed by my answer: Q: “Why you are pre-mil rather than a-mil? What are a couple main points of contention?” A: First, it’s a matter of hermeneutics. Like the issue of…

A case for Amillennialism?
A couple of days ago, on my way back home from the city, I enjoyed listening to a recording of a White Horse Inn broadcast in which Mike Horton and the others discussed “The Rapture”. During the discussion, Kim Riddlebarger touted his book, A Case for Amillennialism, and rehashed some of the salient points from…