We live in interesting times. This morning I came across three articles that caught my attention. The first one was this one about a US Army soldier, currently serving in Iraq, announcing his intention to defy President Obama’s orders and to join a lawsuit demanding that Obama produce documents to prove his eligibility to serve…

Zero hour to What?
Hal Lindsey has written another article, posted on WorldNetDaily.com, that I just have to comment on. It’s titled, “Zero hour approaches” and was posted on February 6 (just 4 days before the election in Israel). Whoever bothers to actually read my blog (all three or four of you!) might be surprised to hear that I…

A case for Amillennialism?
A couple of days ago, on my way back home from the city, I enjoyed listening to a recording of a White Horse Inn broadcast in which Mike Horton and the others discussed “The Rapture”. During the discussion, Kim Riddlebarger touted his book, A Case for Amillennialism, and rehashed some of the salient points from…

Cashless Society in Prophecy? Where Mr. Lindsey?
“…In a civil sense, …to trade, and exercise merchandise,… was forbidden by several Popish councils and synods; the Lateran council, under Pope Alexander, decreed… that no one should presume to retain or encourage… or “trade” with [heretics]…” (John Gill’s “Expositor”)

"Don't you believe in the Rapture?"
“…yes, I believe in ‘the Rapture’.”

On this blog I intend to post (not too regularly) my observations relating to Bible prophecy, as they occur to me from my own reading of Scripture, or my personal thoughts about current events especially as they relate to Bible prophecy.