In a World Net Daily article titled, “‘Evangelical’ Christians now thanking Allah” the author of The Islamic Antichrist, Joel Richardson, criticizes Emergent Church pastor, Brian MacLaren for encouraging believers to celebrate the Islamic holiday Ramadan. It amazes me that any Christian, especially a pastor like Brian MacLaren who should know better, would join with Muslims…

The Problem with Preterism
Image via Wikipedia Ask a preterist about preterism and he will talk about Nero, the fall of Jerusalem and Matthew 24. But ask an historicist about preterism and he will argue that the book of Revelation was written in A.D. 96 during the reign of Emperor Domitian. The above quote is the introduction to a…

The Bear Goes (a little bit farther) South?
Image via Wikipedia An article on Saturday, June 27 2009, suggests that Russia’s impending military excercises in the Caucases could be a staging ground for an invasion, and take-over, of Georgia: Moscow has drawn a new “red line” in its confrontation with the regime of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili by calling for its end,…

North Korea Preparing to Launch ICBM Capable of Hitting Alaska…or Jerusalem
A story on FoxNews today carried this headline: Gates: North Korea Prepared to Launch Missile Capable of Hitting Alaska They say this missile has a range of around 4000 miles. That seems to put Jerusalem within firing range. I’m not saying that’s what North Korea is going to do. I’m just saying that if Pyongyang…

Irish Government Punishing Catholic Orders for Lying about Abuse & Wealth
Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife Associated Press ran this story yesterday: “Catholic orders plead poverty in Irish abuse“… DUBLIN – The Catholic orders responsible for abusing Ireland’s poorest children say they’re struggling to come up with money to help their victims. Yet investigations into their net worth paint a very different picture — that…

The Russians Are Coming?
I know, I know, you’ve heard this all before. But a news item caught my eye this morning and it seemed like a good idea to blog it. So read over the following verses from Scripture and then read the quote (below) from Associated Press. Ezekiel 38:3-6, 8-13 Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I…

Flags of the Vatican
CBC News Video “Pope Benedict calls for Palestinian ‘homeland’.” (CBC News) I was fascinated to see on the CBC news that the Pope is being welcomed to Jerusalem with the fluttering of Vatican flags all over the city. The reporter pointed out that this Pope was part of the Nazi Youth, lifted the excommunication of…

Israel War Planes Attack Cush Convoy
JAFFA, Israel – A source within Hamas has admitted a weapons convoy in Sudan meant for his Islamist organization was struck by a missile in January. Earlier today, CBS reported the Israel Air Force carried out the attack on a convoy of trucks carrying arms destined for Hamas in the Gaza Strip. According to the…

The Cross, the Switchblade & the Winepress
David Wilkerson, author of the one-time bestseller The Cross and the Switchblad, has startled North American readers with a very specific prediction of major catastrophes hitting New York City. I had been thinking of how to respond in this blog to his predictions in a respectful, but biblical way, when I saw that John Piper…

AOL News Poll: Quarter-Million Voters Doubt Obama's Birth
An article posted on AOL News introduced readers to what it calls “fringe” element of conservatives, called “Birthers”, who persist in doubting whether Obama was actually born in the USA as he claims. According to the writer this rumour continues to live on in spite of “overwhelming evidence”. I wonder, however, if AOL News expected…