The story broke today of packages containing “explosive material” intercepted on route from suspected Al Qaeda affiliates in Yemen to Jewish “places of worship” in Chicago. This sparked a renewed vigilance in anti-terrorist security at airports and sensitive locations around the world. Here’s Obama updating the American people on his response so far: (the video will…

Israel’s Opportune Time to Strike Iran Expires this Weekend
“Israel has until the weekend to launch a military strike on Iran’s first nuclear plant before the humanitarian risk of an attack becomes too great, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said Tuesday.” Read the rest of this news report here (source:, August 17, 2010). The really fascinating part of this…

Future Glory, Present Suffering, Overdue Praise
[re-posted from] How did that happen [that our world is just a “faint image of its former glory”]? Our passage [Romans 8:18-25] says it was deliberately subjected to futility. Indeed, the futility of the earth comes from the hand of God. The very God who pronounced his creation good, has also created a world…

Anti-Semite “Khazar” Theory Refuted By New Genetic Study
Every now and then I get emails from people thinking they are doing me a favour by “introducing” me to the so-called evidence that most, if not all, modern-day Jews are actually descended from medieval Khazars and not, as is commonly thought, from Abraham and the people of Israel in the Bible. This theory belongs…

“Stored up for fire”
The Day of the Lord Will Come 3:1 This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior…

Sir Isaac Newton on Daniel 7, "the Fourth Beast"
Here’s a quote from Sir Isaac Newton on Daniel 7. In my early days of studying Bible prophecy I wondered about the identity of the nations represented by the ten horns on the head of the fourth beast. This quote from Newtwon helped me out in a big way. The fourth Beast was the empire…

Worshipping the Image of the Beast
Image via Wikipedia Herman Von Rompuy has just been appointed the first ever permanent President of the European Union. It’s no wonder that this news causes a stir among a large segment of Christians in North America who subscribe to a view of the end of the world known as “Dispensationalism”, or, more commonly, the…

Even Chuck Norris Is Afraid of Obama's "One-World Government"
Famous movie-star, martial arts expert and political columnist, Chuck Norris, recently wrote a column on WND warning readers about the implications of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Copenhagen this coming December. Bottom line? He’s afraid. I was in a small-group Bible study this past weekend in which a…

What the Dutch & English have in common
I recently received emails from two individuals both wanting some explanation on related verses in Revelation. One was about the “mystery of God” and the “little scroll” and the other was about the destruction of the tenth of the “city” and the “seven thousands of people”. The “little scroll” of Revelation 10:11 has long fascinated…