Now that I have finished the sermon series on Daniel that I’ve been preaching through the first half of 2017, I have added a section to to link to the sermons directly. As I preach on other passages that relate to prophecy, I’ll add them to the sermons page. The files are still hosted…

New timecharts added!
The page of time charts on has been a disaster for about a decade. I’ve finally fixed it. And I’ve added new charts on the book of Daniel, the overview of the prophecies in the book, and the prophecies of chapter 12. You can see the updated time charts page here. You can also…

50 Years Ago
This is an excellent project giving video footage and commentary on the events leading up to and including the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and its neighbouring states. Check it out. Visit for the videos.

“Is the destruction of Babylon the Great past or present?”
I was asked to weigh in on this question recently. Here’s my answer: it depends on what you mean by Babylon the Great, and of course, what you mean by “destruction”. By “Babylon the Great” I don’t mean the ancient empire of Babylon under any of its ancient dynasties. I mean the symbolic Babylon the…

Sermons on Daniel
At our church, I have been preaching through Daniel so far this year. If you’re interested in listening to them you can find them as they become available on our church website (click “By Series” from the list on the left, and then click on “The Book of Daniel: What if this is the end?”) or on…

It’s been a long time!
It’s been many months since my last post. A couple of technical problems in the site had made it so that I was unable to access this blog to post at all. And I just didn’t have the time to troubleshoot the problems. Until this week. It’s all fixed now and I can once again…

Gog Takes Baby Steps
I’ve been pretty interested lately in the failure of US foreign policy with regard to Syria and the Islamic State, and in the movements of Russia to build up military resources in Syria (see the above linked National Post commentary for an insightful analysis of these current events). It does seem like the famous Gog prophecy…

by Noel J Haynes To all my Grandkids. As you all, know, I have been watching recent unfolding world events through the lens of Biblical prophecy, and I am amazed and deeply humbled at the privilege I have to be observing first hand what may be the culminating events of history before the establishment…

Armageddon Update
By Noel Haynes 16/12/11 The European economy continues to self-destruct. The merchants of the world were watching with baited breath last Friday for some word from the European summit that would reassure them . The solution proposed consisted of getting the 27 EU nations to agree to imposed fiscal and budgetary austerity measures…

How Then Shall We Live?
By Noel Haynes A month ago I [preached] a sermon I delivered in our church in Merritt. I just want to update it now. The situation in Europe is worsening every day. Greece is scheduled to repay 30 billion dollars this month. Her total income is less than that. Her one year bonds are offered at…