At our church we are now several sermons into our latest series in the Book of Revelation. This mini-series deals with Revelation 10-14, under the title, “The War Against the Saints.” New sermons will be added as we continue, but the first nine are available now through our sermon page at Updated March 17,…
Category: Uncategorized

Now you can shop Amazon in your country!
Thanks to a brand new seller’s tool at Amazon, you can now buy our books from Amazon in your own country! Visitors to our website from the United Kingdom, from the USA, or from Canada, when you click on one of the books for sale on, it will take you to your…

Announcing Google Search!
I should have done this years ago. Sorry! But better late than never. I’ve added a Google-powered search feature to the website. Just go to and click the “search” option from the menu bar. One benefit of this tool is that from the search page visitors can find results from all of the…

New address for the Guinness Archives!
Since I began collecting resources about Henry Grattan Guinness on, they could be found on a page called, “The Guinness Archives” at But as of this week, I have obtained a new address for the archives:! The address should begin pointing to the correct page on my site by the end of…

Announcing a new edition of The Approaching End of the Age
In 1878, H. Grattan Guinness published his first major work on Bible prophecy, The Approaching End of the Age. In it he defended a premillennial historicist interpretation of Daniel and Revelation, correlating prophetic chronology with discoveries from astronomy, especially regarding harmonizations in the soli-lunar cycles. A digital version of his book has been available for…

The Immanuel Year
In his 1878 book, The Approaching End of the Age, Henry Grattan Guinness included a chart called, “The Immanuel Year”. He described it as, “The great year whose day is the soli-lunar cycle of 33 years, 7 months, Immanuel’s earthly life time, whose months are millenaries, in the course of seven of which answering to…

It’s been a long time!
It’s been many months since my last post. A couple of technical problems in the site had made it so that I was unable to access this blog to post at all. And I just didn’t have the time to troubleshoot the problems. Until this week. It’s all fixed now and I can once again…