Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is angry with US President Barack Obama over Obama’s decision to support the Palestinian cause which aims to return to pre-1967 borders. With this breaking news on the eve of the end of the world (according to Harold Camping), many who don’t know better might be anxious. Let me reassure…
Category: In the News

Israel Was Never the Problem
A thought-provoking article was posted last week in Canada’s National Post online: The Arab world may be in turmoil, but none of the Arab uprisings has included Israel as a central issue. Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya — the one factor common to all is that protests centre on local conditions and domestic grievances. What…

Introducing “Gomer and all his hordes”
For the first time in the context of 21st century political realities, France has taken a step forward as a de facto leader of European military intervention. An obscure bit of prophecy in Ezekiel 38:6 identifies a nation known as “Gomer”—an ancient reference to “The eldest son of Japheth, and father of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and…

Not All Is As It Seems… in Libya …in the Oval Office … or in the Future
Yesterday a Canadian General was appointed to command NATO forces in their war against Libyan President Muammar al-Qaddafi. But today FoxNews reports that Pentagon officials are now considering turning the NATO campaign into a ground war—not just the defense of a no-fly zone in Libyan airspace. It would seem evident that Obama, though he would…

Obama’s Cowardice Leaves a Leadership Vacuum in the Middle East: Will Russia Fill It?
When the President of the United States bravely stands up and pushes for military intervention to protect the people of Libya from a murderous dictator, but then tries to shirk his responsibility to live with the consequences of leadership by withdrawing his service it is nothing less than cowardice on a global stage. President Obama’s…

NATO Allies Prepare for War With Libya
In a unanimous decision no less breathtaking for being somewhat expected, the United Nations Security Council has approved military action against President Muammar Gaddafi, embattled dictator of the North African nation of Libya. Canada’s National Post reported Thursday evening that forces are being deployed for airstrikes and “necessary” actions—anything short of an occupation force. These…

Canadian PM: Israel Is Here to Stay
“We believe fundamentally that Israel has a right to exist and just as importantly we recognize the conflict around Israel is at its heart and at its core about the refusal of still too many to accept the reality of a Jewish state in the Middle East, but Israel is here to stay.” ~ Canadian…

Strategist Warns of Nationalistic Arab Rage Turning Against Israel
One strategist argued in a FoxNews piece, Wednesday, that in the wake of “eMageddon” uprisings threatening to engulf the Arab world, desperate rulers may seek their own survival by refocusing the rage of their citizenry against a common, much hated enemy: Israel. This does seem likely. After all, as the old adage goes, “the enemy…

A New King in Egypt
On Friday, President Obama said, “United States will continue to be a friend and partner for Egypt.” Somehow I doubt it. Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that finally the “Satanic” influence of the West is banished from Egypt. And I think his is the more realistic vision of the future: an Egypt estranged from the United…

A wave of political uprising, unprecedented in the lifetimes of most people alive today, is sweeping across the Middle East. So far, although there seems to be no direct link between events in different nations, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and Zimbabwe have so far been affected. Potentially, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Libya, to name a…