Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife Associated Press ran this story yesterday: “Catholic orders plead poverty in Irish abuse“… DUBLIN – The Catholic orders responsible for abusing Ireland’s poorest children say they’re struggling to come up with money to help their victims. Yet investigations into their net worth paint a very different picture — that…
Month: May 2009

The Russians Are Coming?
I know, I know, you’ve heard this all before. But a news item caught my eye this morning and it seemed like a good idea to blog it. So read over the following verses from Scripture and then read the quote (below) from Associated Press. Ezekiel 38:3-6, 8-13 Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I…

Flags of the Vatican
CBC News Video “Pope Benedict calls for Palestinian ‘homeland’.” (CBC News) I was fascinated to see on the CBC news that the Pope is being welcomed to Jerusalem with the fluttering of Vatican flags all over the city. The reporter pointed out that this Pope was part of the Nazi Youth, lifted the excommunication of…